Katharina Dobs was awarded a LOEWE Start-Professur
JLU Giessen professor honors pioneering vision scientist with a lecture in the USA
Prof. Karl R. Gegenfurtner receives the 2024 Verriest medal at the 27th ICVS symposium in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Colour assimilation makes unripe oranges more appetising - confetti illusion with astonishing effects
Kurt Koffka Medal for Prof. Mary Hayhoe
SFB TRR135 supports the Marburg Brainhack School 2024!
Another success for Giessen-based perception researcher Dr Katharina Dobs:
Modern brain research shows: Babies are multitalented. Even in the womb, children have an understanding of numbers, and shortly afterwards they can distinguish faces. Developmental problems could also be detected earlier.
EU funds research on the processing of visual information with 1.5 million euros
Worldhaptics 2023 Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award for Michaela Jeschke
Marburg neurophysics shows how the processing of sensory stimuli helps to reproduce distance lengths.
EU funds research on individual differences in internal models with 1.5 million euros
The NOWA (Neuroscientific Workflow Assistance) infrastructure project of the CRC/TRR 135 has created a new website.
Diana Kollenda from the group of Benjamin de Haas won the 1st prize of this years TeaP poster competition.
Alexander Göttker is winner of this year's dissertation competition of the Experimental Psychology group
Prof. Dr. Alexander Schütz has received an ERC Consolidator Grant.
HMWK approves joint cluster project "The Adaptive Mind" (TAM) of the Universities of Giessen and Marburg and TU Darmstadt under JLU leadership.
Prof. Dr. Karl Gegenfurtner was accepted into the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's Henriette Herz Scouting Program.
Müge Cavdan and colleagues were awarded the Best Paper Award at the Eurohaptics conference on Wednesday, 9/9/2020.
Prof. Dr. Karl Gegenfurtner received an ERC Advanced Grant. EU-Million funding strengthens perceptual psychology at Giessen university.
Dr. Ben de Haas received an ERC Starting Grant. EU-Million funding strengthens perceptual psychology at Giessen University.
Press review of the PNAS- Paper: Individual differences in visual salience vary along semantic dimensions
Article in Presse- Info of the JLU: "Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst"
Program of the joint IRTG-CRC-Symposium Vision for action and beyond
Benjamin Knopp, Moritz Schubert and Dominik Endres were awarded the Best Poster Award at KogWis 2018.
Anna Metzger has received the Best Paper Award of the Eurohaptics 2018 conference.
Felix Bayer won an Edmund Optics Educational Award for his research in Giessen.
European Summer School Sept. 2-14, 2018 Visual Neuroscience - from Spikes to Awareness. Applications open until April 3, 2018
Humboldt Foundation sponsors stay of renowned French researcher Pascal Mamassian with a quarter of a million euros.
The renowned French perceptual psychologist Dr. Pascal Masmassian is the recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's 2018 Anneliese Maier Research Award.
Benjamin Knopp, Moritz Schubert, Dominik Endres received the 2017 ACM Symposium on Applied Perception Best Paper Award.
Prof. Dr. Jan Koenderink was awarded the Humboldt Research Award at the suggestion of Prof. Dr. Karl Gegenfurtner.
Claudia Kubicek receives dissertation award of the Giessen University Society.
Karl Gegenfurtner received Wilhelm Wundt Medal at the 50th DGPs Congress in Leipzig.
Prof. Dr. Straube won the DGBP Young Investigator Award 2016 at the annual congress of the DGBP.
Benjamin Straube took up the Heisenberg Professorship (W2) for Translational Imaging - Focus on Action and Perception at the Department Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy on september, 1st 2016.
Prof. Roland W. Fleming Ph. D. received an ERC Consolidator Grant.
Prof. Karl R. Gegenfurtner has been accepted as a new member in the Leopoldina
Prof. Dr. Alexander Schuetz was granted an ERC Starting Grant for his Project PERFORM - gelebte Forschungsalianz.
PD Dr. Alexander Schuetz has accepted his appointment as professor for General Psychology at the Phillips-University Marburg
Tobias Felmann-Wüstefeld ist the winner of the dissertation-contest of the Team for General Psychology
Benjamin Straube is the winner of the DGPPN Award for the Research on Psychological Diseases 2014
Von Behring-Roentgen-Award: Award Ceremony takes place on 8 October, 6 pm in the senate hall Giessen