The Marburg neurophysics team shows how the processing of sensory stimuli helps to reproduce distance lengths.
The FAZ reports on "One-shot generalization in humans revealed through a drawing task" paper by Roland Fleming and colleagues.
Experimental Psychology presented experiments at Open Campus Day 2022.
"Das Gehirn kann keine Physik" article in The Inquisitive Mind by Alexander Göttker.
Joint research project of JLU Giessen and Mathematikum aims to collect the largest data set in the world in order to understand human eye movements.
Dr. Ulrich Schu will give a lecture on March 10 on the interactions of depression and alcohol. Prof. Dr. Tilo Kircher will moderate the event.
Press Review of the Progress in Neurobiology paper: Preattentive processing of visually guided self-motion in humans and monkeys
Roland W. Fleming held a lecture at the VSS Public Lecture on the subject of Big Data and the Brain on Tuesday, 25th May, 2021.
Wirtschaft am Mittag: Künstliche Intelligenz ist oft nicht objektiv – Interview with Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer
PNAS article on The Veiled Virgin covered in Scientific American
SFB on KiKA: Christoph Witzel as Color Expert on "Princess of Science". On Saturday 18 July at 20:10h.
Dominik Endres supports "Jugend forscht" project with students from Elisabethschule Marburg - 1st place in Hessen.
"International visit to strengthen neuroscience techniques" - Frank Bremmer at Monash University, Melbourne
Final event of project "The influence of music making and painting on the cognitive development of children" with first results on 06 June 2019.
Press review of the PNAS- Paper: Individual differences in visual salience vary along semantic dimensions
Article in Presse- Info of the JLU: Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst
The SFB has been on the Street of Experiments 2019 in Giessen (Straße der Experimente)
Girls' Day at the SFB: 28th of march 2019, 8:30 am – 13:00 pm, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
Boys’ Day at the SFB: 28th of march 2019, 8:30am – 13:00 pm, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
The publication "Humans trust central vision more than peripheral vision even in the dark" by Alexander Schütz and Alejandro Gloriani receives public attention
Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer and Alexandra Bendixen write online article on the subject of artificial intelligence and are podcast guests.
The SFB on hr-fernsehen: Alles Wissen- Die Macht der Farben. On Thursday 31 of January at 20:15
Katja Fiehler gave a lecture for Justus' Children's University with the topic "What belongs to my body?"
Panel discussion: #TheDress – What do we know?
article in Die Zeit: Wir müssen hier raus! September/October 2018 magazin nr. 5
Unser Gehirn behält das Unerwartete im Blick - article in, 22.August 2018
The SFB on Das Erste: ARD [w] wie Wissen: Rot, grün, blau – sehen alle Menschen Farben gleich? Saturday 18th august, 2018 at 4 pm.
article in Süddeutsche Zeitung: Ist dieser Schinken Donald Trump? 26th july 2018, magazin 30/2018
The SFB has been on the Street of Experiments 2018 in Giessen (Straße der Experimente)
On May 17, 2018, a feature on the "Laurel and Yanni Phenomenon" ran on Antenne Bayern, for which Christoph Witzel was also interviewed.
The myth of the brain - is it all just imagination? Exhibition from May 7th until May 25th in the town hall during the Brain Awareness Week. Opening of the exhibiton with guided tour: May 7th, 5pm.
Girls’ Day at the SFB: 26th of april 2018, 8:30am– 14:00 pm, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
Boys’ Day at the SFB: 26th of april 2018, 8:30am – 14:00 pm, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
Talk with Prof. Dr. Alexander C. Schütz: "Sehen im Augenblick: Wie Augenbewegungen bestimmen, was wir sehen können", in Colloquium: "Vom Reiz der Sinne" in Nürnberg
Marburger UniJournal berichtet zu Nature Communications-Paper 2017
Talk at a primary school in Greece about "How do you feel the world?"
Gedankenlesen ohne Zauberei - Presseartikel Oberhessische Presse
Neurowissenschaftler sagen Sinnestäuschung voraus - Pressemitteilung Uni Marburg, 13. Oktober 2017
Artikel Neue Züricher Zeitung: "Macht der Farben – am stärksten wirkt Rot". Christoph Witzel erklärt, wie das Gehirn Farbe wahrnimmt, warum rote Kleider attraktiv machen und rosa Gefängniszellen sinnlos sind.
"Academia's bittersweet box of chocolates: (Tr)eat with caution!"
Brain Awareness Week: 2 visits to class-rooms at Herder-school in Giessen, Germany
briefing at the midwife surgery of Claudia Pietron-Egidi & Sabine Hain-Hollerith
Christmas letter with end-of-the-year review of the department of developmental psychology, Giessen
Das Gehirn erforschen - Presseartikel GAZ, 29. November 2016
Presenting the Aging-Study of Projekt B5 at the lecture for senior citizens
Wahrnehmungspsychologie in der Praxis im Gespräch mit Studierenden und Forschern
talk at the “Night of Science” about “Über das Denken und Irren: Cogito ergo sum sed errare humanum est”
Christian Wolf at "Kluge Nacht" of WDR 5 with Science Slam "Die Schwere des Dichten"
Brain Awareness Week: 3 visits to class-rooms at Herder-school in Giessen, Germany
Talk at the “Universität des Dritten Lebensalters”
Nachgefragt: Woran forschen Sie gerade, Frau Fiehler? - Presse Artikel in Gehirn&Geist Nr. 1, 2016
"The Science Behind The Shoe" - Article in Inside Science, Juli 2015
Teilnahme an der Strasse der Experimente in Giessen, am Uni Hauptgebaeude in der Ludwigstrasse
Interview Kulturradio RBB - Wissen: Wie sehen wir Farben?
Brain Fair Zurich - Der Prozess des Sehens
Brain Awareness Week: A visit to the class-room. Herder-school in Giessen, Germany
"Ein Kleid spaltet die Welt: Die große Schwarz-Blau-Gold-Verwirrung" - Press reports and radio interview for Bayern 2 Radio
Wie Kinder sprechen lernen - Interview zu Verläufen, Mechanismen und Problemen im kindlichen Spracherwerb. Christina Kauschke, Universität Marburg
Christian Wolf won the Potsdam Science Slam with "The heaviness of being dense"
Christian Wolf took part in the Berlin Science Slam with "The heaviness of being dense"
Talk at the official lecture series of the ICNF about “Was die Wahrnehmung der Welt im Innersten zusammen hält”
Christian Wolf was the winner of the Science Slam in Giessen with "The heaviness of being dense"
"Das Wahrnehmen verstehen" - article at Forum Forschung, February 2014