Workshop 14th - 16th of August: From peripheral to transsaccadic and foveal perception
Workshop 14th-16th of August: From peripheral to transsaccadic and foveal perception. Castle Rauischholzhausen
Invited speakers
- Paola Binda (University of Pisa, Italy)
- James Bisley (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
- Fred Hamker (Technical University Chemnitz, Germany)
- Arvid Herwig (University Bielefeld, Germany)
- Zhaoping Li (University of Tübingen; MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Germany)
- Casimir Ludwig (University of Bristol, UK)
- David Melcher (University of Trento, Italy)
- Antje Nuthmann (Kiel University, Germany)
- Martin Rolfs (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany)
- Ruth Rosenholtz (MIT, USA)
- Bilge Sayim (University of Lille, CNRS, France; University of Bern, Switzerland)
- Stefan van der Stigchel (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
- Preeti Verghese (Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, USA)
- Eckart Zimmermann (University Düsseldorf, Germany)
Collaborative research center: Cardinal mechanisms of perception
ERC Starting Grant: Calibration and integration of peripheral and foveal information