Equal Opportunity Commissioner

Jutta Billino

Equal Opportunity Commissioner

Prof. (apl.) Dr.

Justus-Liebig University Giessen FB 06 Psychology and Sports-Sciences
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10F
35394 Giessen, Germany

+49 (0)641 99 26 112 +49 (0)641 99 26 119 send e-mail visit website


My research focuses on individual differences in visual perception and sensorimotor control. I am interested in how sensory, motor, cognitive, and motivational mechanisms are interwoven and how their interplay varies across individuals. My projects are concerned with variability in healthy subjects as well as with deficits in specific patient groups. I use age-related differences in healthy subjects to gain insights into functional limits, but also into potential plasticity across adult development. My goal is to foster a comprehensive perspective on the complexity of ageing processes and to characterize mechanisms which contribute to successful ageing.

project-related publications
Dukes, J.M., Kiendl, S., & Billino, J. (2022). Haptic shape discrimination independent of weight. Conference paper in Seifi, H., et al. (Eds.). Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications: 13th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, EuroHaptics 2022, Proceedings (Vol. 13235). Springer Nature. find paper
Klever, L., Islam, J., Võ, M., & Billino, J. (2023). Aging attenuates the memory advantage for unexpected objects in real-world scenes. Heliyon, 9(9): e20241. find paper DOI
Klever, L., Mamassian, P., & Billino, J. (2022). Age‑related differences in visual confidence are driven by individual differences in cognitive control capacities. Scientific Reports, 12, 6016. find paper DOI
Klever, Võ, Islam, J., Võ, M. L.-H., & Billino, J. (2023). Aging attenuates the memory advantage for unexpected objects in real-world scenes. Heliyon (9). find paper DOI
former project-related publications
Billino, J. & Pilz, K.S. (2019). Motion perception as a model for perceptual aging. Journal of Vision, 19(4):3, 1-28. find paper
Billino, J., & Drewing, K. (2018). Age effects on visuo-haptic length discrimination: Evidence for optimal integration of senses in senior adults. Multisensory Research, 31(3-4), 273-300. find paper DOI
Billino, J., Hennig, J., & Gegenfurtner, K. (2016a). Association between COMT genotype and the control of memory guided saccades: Individual differences in healthy adults reveal a detrimental role of dopamine. Vision Research. DOI find paper
Billino, J., Hennig, J., & Gegenfurtner, K. (2016b). The role of dopamine in anticipatory pursuit eye movements: Insights from genetic polymorphisms in healthy adults. eNeuro, 3(6). DOI find paper
Billino, J., van Belle, G., Rossion, B., & Schwarzer, G. (2018). The nature of individual face recognition in preschool children: Insights from a gaze-contingent paradigm. Cognitive Development, 47, 168-180. find paper DOI
Cuevas, P., He, Y., Billino, J., Kozasa E. & Straube, B. (2021). Age-related effects on the neural processing of semantic complexity in a continuous narrative: Modulation by gestures already present in young to middle-aged adults. Neuropsychologia, 151:107725. find paper DOI
Hesse, C., Billino, J., & Schenk, T. (2018). On the role of V1 in avoiding obstacles. Cortex, 98, 276-282. find paper
Hesse, C., Koroknai, L., & Billino, J. (2020). Individual differences in processing resources modulate bimanual interference in pointing. Psychological Research, 84, 440-453. find paper DOI
Huang, J., Gegenfurtner , K. R., Schütz , A. C., & Billino , J. (2017). Saccadic adaptation reveals differential ageing processes. Journal of Vision , 17(6):9, 1-18. find paper DOI
Huang, J., Hegele, M., & Billino, J. (2018). Motivational modulation of age-related effects on reaching adaptation. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2285. find paper DOI
Kangur, K., Billino, J., & Hesse, C. (2017). Keeping safe: Intra-individual consistency in obstacle avoidance behaviour across grasping and locomotion tasks. i-Perception, 8(1). DOI find paper
Klever, L., Voudouris, D., Fiehler, K., & Billino, J. (2019). Age effects on sensorimotor predictions: What drives increased tactile suppression during reaching? Journal of vision, 19(9), 9-9. find paper DOI
Ross, A. I., Schenk, T., Billino, J., Macleod, M. J., & Hesse, C. (2018). Avoiding unseen obstacles: Subcortical vision is not sufficient to maintain normal obstacle avoidance behaviour during reaching. Cortex, 98, 177-193. find paper
Schmalenbach, S.B., Billino, J., Kircher, T., van Kemenade, B.M., & Straube, B. (2017). Links between gestures and multisensory processing: individual differences suggest a compensation mechanism. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:1828 find paper DOI
Valsecchi, M., Billino, J., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2018). Healthy aging is associated with decreased risk-taking in motor decision-making. Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance, 44(1), 154-167. find paper DOI