former project-related publications
Chiovetto, E., Curio, C., Endres, D., & Giese, M. (2018). Perceptual integration of kinematic components in the recognition of emotional facial expressions.
Journal of vision, 18(4), 13-13.
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Clever, D., Harant, M., Koch, K. H., Mombaur, K. and Endres, D. (2016). A novel approach for the generation of complex humanoid walking sequences based on a combination of optimal control and learning of movement primitives.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 83, 287–298.
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Clever, D., Harant, M., Mombaur, K., Naveau, M., Stasse, O. and Endres, D. (2017). COCoMoPL: A Novel Approach for Humanoid Walking Generation Combining Optimal Control, Movement Primitives and Learning and its transfer to the real robot HRP-2.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ,2(2):977 – 984.
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Junker, M., Endres, D., Sun, Z. P., Dicke, P. W., Giese, M., & Thier, P. (2018). Learning from the past: A reverberation of past errors in the cerebellar climbing fiber signal.
PLoS biology, 16(8), e2004344.
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Khoozani, P. A., Schrater, P. R., Endres, D., Fiehler, K., & Blohm, G. (2019). Models of allocentric coding for reaching in naturalistic visual scenes. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience, 4 pages.
Knopp, B., Velychko, D., Dreibrodt, J., & Endres, D. (2019). Predicting Perceived Naturalness of Human Animations Based on Generative Movement Primitive Models. ACM Transactions on
Applied Perception (TAP), 16(3), 1-18.
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Knopp, B., Velychko, D., Dreibrodt, J., Schütz, A. C., & Endres, D. (2020). Evaluating perceptual predictions based on movement primitive models in VR- and online-experiments. In
32 Symposium on Applied Perception 2020, SAP ·20, New York, NY, USA. Association for Computing Machinery.
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Meibodi, N., Abbasi, H., Schubö, A., and Endres, D. (2021a). A model of selection history in visual attention. In
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 43, No. 43).
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Meibodi, N., Abbasi, H., Schubö, A., and Endres, D. (2021b). Distracted by previous reward: Integrating selection history, current task demands and saliency in a computational model.
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Mukovskiy, A., Taubert, N., Endres, D., Vassallo, C., Naveau, M., Stasse, O., Souères, P. and Giese, M. A. (2017). Modeling of coordinated human body motion by learning of structured dynamic representations. In J.-P. Laumond, N. Mansard, and J.-B. Lasserre, editors, Geometric and Numerical Foundations of Movements, volume 117 of STAR Series, pages 1–26. Springer.
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Quaglio, P., Yegenoglu, A., Torre, E., Endres, D. M., & Grün, S. (2017). Detection and Evaluation of Spatio-Temporal Spike Patterns in Massively Parallel Spike Train Data with SPADE.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience,
11, 41.
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Schubert, M., & Endres, D. (2018). Empirically Evaluating the Similarity Model of Geist, Lengnink and Wille.
In International Conference on Conceptual Structures (pp. 88-95). Springer, Cham.
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Serr, A., Schubert, M., & Endres, D. (2019, July). Mathematical Similarity Models: Do We Need Incomparability to Be Precise? In
International Conference on Conceptual Structures (pp. 257-261). Springer, Cham.
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Velychko, D., Endres , D., Taubert, N., and Giese, M. A. (2014). Coupling Gaussian process dynamical models with product-of-experts kernels.
In Proceeding of the 24th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, LNCS 8681, pages 603–610. Springer.
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Velychko, D., Knopp, B. and Endres D. (2017). The coupled variational Gaussian process dynamical model.
In Proceedings of the 27th
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks,pages 1–9.
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Velychko, D., Knopp, B. and Endres, D. (2016). The variational coupled Gaussian process dynamical model (Abstract).
NIPS Workshop on Neurorobotics.
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Velychko, D., Knopp, B., & Endres, D (2018). Making the Coupled Gaussian Process Dynamical Model Modular and Scalable with Variational Approximations.
Entropy, 20(10), 724.
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