Daniela Bahn (geb. Ludwig)
Philipps University Marburg
FB 09 German Studies and Aesthetics
Pilgrimstein 16
35037 Marburg, Germany
My main research interest is the interface of emotional and language development in typically developing children and those with developmental language disorder. I am interested in how both developmental domains interact with each other and which factors may additionally influence this interaction. In particular, I focus on personal factors such as age, language competence, and personality traits. To answer this question, I use behavioral methods, training studies, and eye-tracking.
project-related publications
Bahn, D., Sommer, J. Schwarzer, G. & Kauschke, C. (2023). Granularität beim Erzählen emotionaler Ereignisse im Kindes- und Erwachsenenalter. Kindheit & Entwicklung, 32(3), 206-218. find paper
Bahn, D., Sommer, J., Schwarzer, G. & Kauschke, C. (2023). The Development of Granularity in Verbalizing Emotional Events from Childhood to Adulthood: An Analysis of Narratives. Poster presented at The European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL July 2023, London) find paper
Gehb, G., Vesker, M., Jovanovic, B., Bahn, D., Kauschke, C., & Schwarzer, G. (2022). The Relationship between Crawling and Emotion Discrimination in 9- to 10-Month-Old Infants. Brain Science, 12(4), 479.
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former project-related publications
Bahn , D., Vesker , M., García Alanis , J.C. , Schwarzer , G., & Kauschke , C. (2017). Age-dependent positivity bias in children’s perception of emotion terms. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:1268.
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Bahn, D., Kauschke, C., Vesker, M., & Schwarzer, G. (2018). Perception of valence and arousal in German emotion terms: a comparison between 9-year-old children and adults. Applied Psycholinguistics, 39(3), 463-481.
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Bahn, D., Kauschke, C., Vesker, M., & Schwarzer, G. (2021). A Multimodal Comparison of Emotion Categorization Abilities in Children With Developmental Language Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64(3), 993-1007.
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Kauschke C., Bahn , D., Vesker , M., & Schwarzer , G. (2017). Die semantische Repräsentation von Emotionsbegriffen bei Kindern im Grundschulalter. Kindheit und Entwicklung
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Kauschke, C., Bahn, D., Vesker, M., & Schwarzer, G. (2019). The role of emotional valence for the processing of facial and verbal stimuli–positivity or negativity bias?. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1654.
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Ludwig, D., Schwarzer, G., & Kauschke, C. (2016). Positiv oder Negativ? – Verarbeitung von Emotionsbegriffen und Gesichtsausdrücken bei Kindern mit typischem und auffälligem Spracherwerb. Logos, 24 (1). 15-23.
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Vesker, M., Bahn, D., Degé, F., Kauschke, C., & Schwarzer, G. (2019). Identification of Emotional Facial Expressions in a Lab and Over the Internet. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, 16(3), 571-583.
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Vesker, M., Bahn, D., Dege, F., Kauschke, C., Schwarzer, G. (2018). Developmental changes in the categoral processing of positive and negative facial expressions. PLoSOne. 13(8): e0201521.
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Vesker, M., Bahn, D., Kauschke, C., & Schwarzer, G. (2021). Developmental Changes in Gaze Behavior and the Effects of Auditory Emotion Word Priming in Emotional Face Categorization. Multisensory Research, 1(aop), 1-21. find paper
Vesker, M., Bahn, D., Kauschke, C., Neumann, M., Sweitzer, C., & Schwarzer, G. (2020). Investigating the effects of embodiment on emotional categorization of faces and words in children and adults.Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2871.
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Vesker, M., Bahn, D., Kauschke, C., Tschense, M., Degé, F., & Schwarzer, G. (2018). Auditory Emotion Word Primes Influence Emotional Face Categorization in Children and Adults, but Not Vice Versa. Frontiers in psychology, 9.
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