Benjamin de Haas


Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen FB 06 Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10F
35394 Gießen

+49 (0)641 99 26125 +49 (0)641 99 26 119 350 E-Mail senden Website besuchen


Meine aktuelle Forschung verfolgt zwei breite Fragen: Wie interagieren 'frühe' und 'späte' Stufen der Sehverarbeitung, vom Registrieren geneigter Kanten bis zum Erkennen eines Gesichts? Und: Wie und warum unterscheiden sich unsere Wahrnehmungen von einer Person zur nächsten?

Projektrelevante Veröffentlichungen
Borovska, P, de Haas, B (2023). Faces in scenes attract rapid saccades. Journal of Vision, 23(8):11, 1-15. find paper DOI
Broda, M, de Haas, B (2022). Individual fixation tendencies in person viewing generalize from images to videos. iPerception, 13(5), 1–10. find paper DOI
Broda, M, de Haas, B (2022). Individual differences in looking at persons in scenes. Journal of Vision, 22, 9. find paper DOI
Broda, M, de Haas, B (2023). Reading the mind in the nose. iPerception, 14, 2. find paper DOI
Broda, M, Haddad, T, de Haas, B (2023). Quick, eyes! Isolated upper face regions but not artifical features elicit rapid saccades. Journal of Vision, 23, 5. find paper DOI
Broda, M. D., & de Haas, B. (2023). Individual differences in rapid face-directed saccades. Journal of Vision 23, no. 9 (2023): 5451-5451. find paper
de Haas, B. (2022). What's a super-recogniser?. Journal of Vision, 23 (9), 5451-5451. find paper
Kollenda, D., & de Haas, B. (2022). The influence of familiarity on memory for faces and mask wearing. Cogn. Research 7, 45. find paper, DATA
Linka, M, Broda, MD, Alsheimer, T, *de Haas, B, *Ramon, M (2022). Characteristic fixation biases in Super-Recognizers. Journal of Vision, 22, 17. find paper DOI
Linka, M, Özlem, S, Karimpur, H, Schwarzer, G, de Haas, B (2023). Free viewing biases for complex scenes in preschoolers and adults. Sci Rep 13, 11803. find paper DOI
Stoll, S, Infanti, E, de Haas, B, Schwarkopf, DS (2022). Pitfalls in post hoc analyses of population receptive field data. Neuroimage, 263, 119557. find paper DOI
Ältere projektrelevante Veröffentlichungen
*Moutsiana, C., *de Haas, B., Papageorgiou, A., Van Dijk, J. A., Balraj, A., Greenwood, J. A., & Schwarzkopf, D. S. (2016). Cortical idiosyncrasies predict the perception of object size. Nature communications, 7(1), 1-12. *shared first autorship. find paper
de Haas, B., & Schwarzkopf, D. S. (2018). Feature-location effects in the Thatcher illusion. Journal of vision, 18(4), 16-16. find paper
de Haas, B., Iakovidis, A. L., Schwarzkopf, D. S., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2019). Individual differences in visual salience vary along semantic dimensions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(24), 11687-11692. find paper, DATA
de Haas, B., Schwarzkopf, D. S., Alvarez, I., Lawson, R. P., Henriksson, L., Kriegeskorte, N., & Rees, G. (2016). Perception and processing of faces in the human brain is tuned to typical feature locations. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(36), 9289-9302. find paper
de Haas, B., Sereno, M. I., & Schwarzkopf, D. S. (2021). Inferior occipital gyrus is organised along common gradients of spatial and face-part selectivity. The Journal of Neuroscience, 41(25), 5511-5521. find paper
Linka, M., & de Haas, B. (2020). OSIEshort: A small stimulus set can reliably estimate individual differences in semantic salience. Journal of vision, 20(9), 13-13. find paper
Mueller, S., de Haas, B., Metzger, A., Drewing, K., & Fiehler, K. (2019). Neural correlates of top-down modulation of haptic shape versus roughness perception. Human Brain Mapping, 40(18), 5172-5184. find paper DOI