Dr. Lisa Maurer, Prof. Dr. Hegele und Prof. Dr. Müller
Prädiktive Fehlerwahrnehmung in komplexen natürlichen Umgebungen
Projekt B6 kombiniert elektrophysiologische Methoden mit Verhaltensexperimenten, um zu ergründen, wie die kardinale Mechanismen Vorhersage und Bewertung bei Anpassung und Lernen von natürlichen, komplexen Bewegungen zusammenwirken. Wir untersuchen die prädiktive Wahrnehmung bei der natürlichen Entfaltung von Expertise bei Elite-Basketballern, und im Gegensatz dazu die Nachteile einer beeinträchtigten Handlungsüberwachung für das motorische Lernen bei Schizophreniepatienten. Weiterhin werden wir untersuchen, ob und wie prädiktive Fehlerwahrnehmung genutzt werden kann, um den perzeptuellen Informationsgewinn zu maximieren, Feedback-Verzögerungen beim motorischen Lernen zu minimieren und zielgerichtete Objektinteraktion zu fördern.
Neue Projektrelevante Veröffentlichungen
Arbuzova P., Maurer L. K., Filevich E. (2022). Metacognitive domains are not aligned along a dimension of internal-external information source. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. Advance online publication. find paper
Brand, T. K., Maurer, L. K., Müller, H., Döhring, F. R. & Joch, M. (2022). Predictability shapes movement kinematics and grip force regulation in human object handovers. Human Movement Science, 85, 102976. find paper
Charalampaki, A., Peters, C., Maurer, H., Maurer, L. K., Müller, H., Verrel, J. & Filevich, E. (2023). Motor outcomes congruent with intentions may sharpen metacognitive representations. Cognition, 235, 105388. find paper
Maurer L. K., Maurer H., Hegele M. & Müller H. (2022). Can Stephen Curry really know? - Conscious access to outcome prediction of motor actions. PLoS One, 17(1), e0250047. find paper
Maurer, L. K., Joch, M., Hegele, M., Maurer, H., & Müller, H. (2022). Relevance of predictive and postdictive error information in the course of motor learning. Neuroscience, 486, 77-90. find paper
Ältere projektrelevante Veröffentlichungen
Heuer, H. & Hegele, M. (2015). Explicit and implicit components of visuo-motor adaptation: An analysis of individual differences. Consciousness and Cognition, 33:156-169.
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Huang, J., Hegele, M., & Billino, J. (2018). Motivational modulation of age-related effects on reaching adaptation. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2285.
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Joch , M., Hegele , M., Maurer, H., Müller , H., & Maurer , L. K. (2017b). Online movement monitoring modulates feedback processing in motor learning: an analysis of event-related potentials. Journal of Motor Learning and Development , in press.
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Joch, M., Döhring, F. R., Maurer, L. K., & Müller, H. (2018). Inference statistical analysis of continuous data based on confidence bands—Traditional and new approaches. Behavior research methods, 1-14.
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Joch, M., Hegele, M., Maurer, H., Müller, H., & Maurer, L. K. (2017a). Brain negativity as an indicator of predictive error processing-The contribution of visual action effect monitoring. Journal of Neurophysiology , jn-00036.
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Joch, M., Hegele, M., Maurer, H., Müller, H., & Maurer, L. K. (2018a). Accuracy of motor error predictions for different sensory signals. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1376
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Joch, M., Hegele, M., Maurer, H., Müller, H., & Maurer, L. K. (2018b). Online movement monitoring modulates feedback processing in motor learning: an analysis of event-related potentials. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 6(s1), S138-S153.
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Joch, M., Jäger, J.M., Maurer, H., Maurer, L.K. & Müller, H. (2017). Artificial Neural Networks Predicting the Outcome of a Throwing Task – Effects of input quantity and quality. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, in press.
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Krause, D., Koers, T. & Maurer, L. K. (2019). Valence-dependent brain potentials of processing augmented feedback in learning a complex arm movement sequence. Psychophysiology, 57(3), e13508.
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Maurer, L. K., Joch, M., Hegele, M., & Müller, H. (2021). Focused review on neural correlates of error valuation in motor tasks and related terminological issues regarding the source of error information. Journal of Human Kinetics, 76, 67-81. find paper
Maurer, L. K., Joch, M., Hegele, M., Maurer, H., & Müller, H. (2019). Predictive error processing distinguishes between relevant and irrelevant errors after visuomotor learning. Journal of Vision, 19(4):18, 1-13.
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Maurer, L. K., Maurer, H., & Müller, H. (2015). Neural correlates of error prediction in a complex motor task. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.
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Maurer, L. K., Maurer, H., & Müller, H. (2017). Analysis of timing variability in human movements by aligning parameter curves in time - Demonstrated by the example of throwing. Behavior Research Methods, in press.
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Maurer, L. K., Maurer, H., Hegele, M., & Mueller, H. (2021). Can Stephen Curry really know?-Conscious access to outcome prediction of motor actions.bioRxiv.
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Maurer, L. K., Sammer, G., Maurer, H., Bischoff, M., & Müller, H. (2014). Timing accuracy in self-timed movements related to neural indicators of movement initiation. Human Movement Science, 10, 37:42-57.
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Schween, R. & Hegele , M. (2017). Feedback delay attenuates implicit but facilitates explicit adjustments to a visuomotor rotation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 140, 124-133.
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