new project-related publications
Ody, E., Straube, B., He, Y., & Kircher, T. (2023). Perception of self-generated and externally-generated visual stimuli: Evidence from EEG and behavior. Psychophysiology, 00, e14295. find paper
Abbasi, H., Henare, D., Kadel, H., & Schubö, A. (2023). Selection history and task predictability determine the precision expectations in attentional control. Psychophysiology, 60(1), e14151. find paper
Abbasi, H., Kadel, H., Hickey, C., & Schubö, A. (2022). Combined influences of strategy and selection history on attentional control. Psychophysiology, 59(4), e13987. find paper
Aizenman, A. M., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Goettker, A. (2024). Oculomotor routines for perceptual judgments. Journal of Vision,24(5), 3-3. find paper
Akbarinia, A., Morgenstern, Y., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2023). Contrast sensitivity function in deep networks.Neural Networks, 164, 228-244. find paper
Albers, A. M., Baumgartner, E., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2022). Color constant representations in early visual cortex. bioRxiv (2022): 2022-06. find paper
Arbuzova P., Maurer L. K., Filevich E. (2022). Metacognitive domains are not aligned along a dimension of internal-external information source. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. Advance online publication. find paper DOI
Bahn, D., Sommer, J. Schwarzer, G. & Kauschke, C. (2023). Granularität beim Erzählen emotionaler Ereignisse im Kindes- und Erwachsenenalter. Kindheit & Entwicklung, 32(3), 206-218. find paper
Bahn, D., Sommer, J., Schwarzer, G. & Kauschke, C. (2023). The Development of Granularity in Verbalizing Emotional Events from Childhood to Adulthood: An Analysis of Narratives. Poster presented at The European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL July 2023, London) find paper
Beitner, J., Helbing, J., Draschkow, D., David, E. J., & Võ, M. L. H. (2023). Flipping the world upside down: Using eye tracking in virtual reality to study visual search in inverted scenes. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 15 (3). find paper DOI
Belkis Ezgi Arikan, Dimitris Voudouris, Benjamin Straube, and Katja Fiehler (2023). Distinct role of central predictive mechanisms in tactile suppression. Available at SSRN 4622696 find preprint
Beyvers, M. C., Fraser, L. E., & Fiehler, K. (2022). Linking signal relevancy and intensitiy in predictive tactile suppressionFrontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16, 795886. find paper, DATA
Beyvers, M. C., Fraser, L., & Fiehler, K. (2022). Linking signal relevancy and intensity in predictive tactile suppression. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 75. find paper
Beyvers, M. C., Koch, I., & Fiehler, K. (2022). Episodic Binding and Retrieval in Sequences of Discrete Movements–Evidence from Grasping Actions. Journal of Cognition, 5(1). find paper DOI
Beyvers, M.C., Voudouris, D., & Fiehler, K. (2023). Sensorimotor memories influence movement kinematics but not associated tactile processing Scientific Reports, 13(1), 17920. find paper, DATA
Borovska, P, de Haas, B (2023). Faces in scenes attract rapid saccades. Journal of Vision, 23(8):11, 1-15. find paper DOI
Brand, T. K., Maurer, L. K., Müller, H., Döhring, F. R. & Joch, M. (2022). Predictability shapes movement kinematics and grip force regulation in human object handovers. Human Movement Science, 85, 102976. find paper
Braun, D. I., & Schütz, A. C. (2022). Eye Movements and Perception Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. find paper
Broda, M, de Haas, B (2022). Individual fixation tendencies in person viewing generalize from images to videos. iPerception, 13(5), 1–10. find paper DOI
Broda, M, de Haas, B (2022). Individual differences in looking at persons in scenes. Journal of Vision, 22, 9. find paper DOI
Broda, M, de Haas, B (2023). Reading the mind in the nose. iPerception, 14, 2. find paper DOI
Broda, M, Haddad, T, de Haas, B (2023). Quick, eyes! Isolated upper face regions but not artifical features elicit rapid saccades. Journal of Vision, 23, 5. find paper DOI
Broda, M. D., & de Haas, B. (2023). Individual differences in rapid face-directed saccades. Journal of Vision 23, no. 9 (2023): 5451-5451. find paper
Cavdan, M., Doerschner, K., Drewing, K. (2022). Haptic Discrimination of Different Types of Soft Materials. In: H. Seifi, et al. Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications. EuroHaptics 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13235. Springer, Cham. find preprint
Cavdan, M., Goktepe, N., Drewing, K., & Doerschner, K. (2023). Assessing the representational structure of softness activated by words. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 8974. find paper
Charalampaki, A., Peters, C., Maurer, H., Maurer, L. K., Müller, H., Verrel, J. & Filevich, E. (2023). Motor outcomes congruent with intentions may sharpen metacognitive representations. Cognition, 235, 105388. find paper DOI
Cheeseman, J. R., Fleming, R. W., & *Schmidt, F.* (2022). Scale ambiguities in material recognition. iScience, 25(3), 103970. find paper, DATA
Chen L, Cichy RM*, Kaiser D* (2023). Alpha-frequency feedback to early visual cortex orchestrates coherent naturalistic vision. Sci Adv 9: eadi2321. *equal contribution find paper DOI
Chen L, Cichy RM*, Kaiser D* (2024). Coherent categorical information triggers integration-related alpha dynamics. Journal of Neurophysiology. find paper DOI
D. Engel, R. S. Greulich, A. Parola, K. Vinehout, S. Dowiasch, J. Waldthaler, L. Timmermann, C. A. Rothkopf, & F. Bremmer (2023). Convolutional neural network reveals frequency content of medio-lateral COM body sway to be highly predictive of Parkinson's disease. JmedRxiv, 2023-05. find paper
David, E., Gutiérrez, J., Võ, M. L.-H., Coutrot, A., Perreira Da Silva, M., & Callet, P. (2024). The Salient360! toolbox: Handling gaze data in 3D made easy. Computers & Graphics, 103890. find paper
de Haas, B. (2022). What's a super-recogniser?. Journal of Vision, 23 (9), 5451-5451. find paper
de la Malla, C., & Goettker, A. (2023). The effect of impaired velocity signals on goal-directed eye and hand movements. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 13646. find paper
de Vries, J.P., Akbarinia, A., Flachot, A. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2022). Emergent color categorization in a neural network trained for object recognition. eLife, 11, e76472. find preprint DOI
de Vries, J.P., Flachot, A., Morimoto, T. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2023). A deep new look at color. Behavioral and Brain Sciences46 (2023): e389 find paper
Dobs, K., Martinez, J., Kell, A. J. E., Kanwisher, N. (2022). Dobs, K., Martinez, J., Kell, A. J., & Kanwisher, N. (2022). Brain-like functional specialization emerges spontaneously in deep neural networks. Science advances, 8(11), eabl8913. find paper
Dobs, K., Yuan, J., Martinez, J., & Kanwisher, N. (2023). Behavioral signatures of face perception emerges in deep neural networks optimized for face recognition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (32), e2220642120. find paper DOI
Dövencioǧlu, D. N., Üstün, F. S., Doerschner, K., & Drewing, K. (2022). Hand explorations are determined by the characteristics of the perceptual space of real-world materials from silk to sand. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 14785. find paper DOI
Dowiasch, S., Kaminiarz, A., & Bremmer, F. (2022). The visual representation of space in the primate brain. Neuroforum, 28(4): 199–209. find paper
Draschkow, D., David, E. J., & Võ, M. L.-H. (2023). Using XR (extended reality) for behavioral, clinical, and learning sciences requires updates in infrastructure and funding. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences., 10(2), 317-323. find paper
Drewing, K. (2024). Perceptuo-affective organization of touched materials in younger and older adultsPlos one, 19e0296633. find paper DOI
Drewing, K., Vroomen, J. (2022). Moving Hands Feel Stimuli Before Stationary Hands. In: H. Seifi, et al. Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications. EuroHaptics 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13235. Springer, Cham. find paper DOI
Dukes, J.M., Kiendl, S., & Billino, J. (2022). Haptic shape discrimination independent of weight. Conference paper in Seifi, H., et al. (Eds.). Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications: 13th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, EuroHaptics 2022, Proceedings (Vol. 13235). Springer Nature. find paper
Filip, J., Lukavsky, J., Dechterenko, F., Fleming, R. , & Schmidt, F. (2023). Perceptual dimensions of wood materials. Journal of Vision, 24(5), 12-12.find paper, DATA
Flachot, A., Akbarinia, A., Schütt, H. H., Fleming, R. W., Wichmann, F. A., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2022). Deep neural models for color classification and color constancy. Journal of Vision, 22(4), 17-17. find paper
Flachot, A., Akbarinia, A., Schütt, H.H., Fleming, R.W., Wichmann, F.A. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2022). Deep neural models for color discrimination and color constancy. Journal of Vision, 22(4), 17-17. find paper DOI
Fuehrer, E., Voudouris, D., Lezkan, A., Drewing, K., & Fiehler, K. (2022). Tactile suppression stems from specific sensorimotor predictions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(20), e2118445119. find paper DOI
Gegenfurtner, K. R., Weiss, D., & Bloj, M. (2024). Color constancy in real-world settings. Journal of Vision24, no. 2 (2024): 12-12. find paper
Gehb, G., Vesker, M., Jovanovic, B., Bahn, D., Kauschke, C., & Schwarzer, G. (2022). The Relationship between Crawling and Emotion Discrimination in 9- to 10-Month-Old Infants. Brain Science, 12(4), 479. find paper
Gil Rodríguez, R., Bayer, F., Toscani, M., Guarnera, D. Y., Guarnera, G. C., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2022). Colour calibration of a head mounted display for colour vision research using virtual reality. SN Computer Science, 3, 1-10. find paper
Gil Rodríguez, R., Hedjar, L., Toscani, M., Guarnera, D., Guarnera, G.C. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2024). Color Constancy mechanisms in virtual reality environments. Journal of Vision24, no. 5 (2024): 6-6. find paper
Goettker, A. & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2024). Individual differences link sensory processing and motor control. Journal of Vision,23(10), 12-12. Download PDF (preprint)
Goettker, A., and Stewart, E. E. M. (2022). Serial dependence for oculomotor control depends on early sensory signals. Current Biology, 32(13), 2956-2961. find paper, DATA
Goettker, A., Borgerding, N., Leeske, L., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2023). Cues for predictive eye movements in naturalistic scenes. Journal of Vision,23(10), 12-12. find paper
Goettker, A., Locke, S. M., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Mamassian, P. (2023). Sensorimotor Confidence for Tracking Eye Movements. Journal of Vision,24(5), 3-3. find paper
Gregorová, K., Turini, J., Gagl, B., & Võ, M. L.-H. (2023). Access to meaning from visual input: Object and word frequency effects in categorization behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. find paper
Grössle, I. M., Schubö, A., & Tünnermann, J. (2023). Testing a relational account of search templates in visual foraging. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 12541. find paper DOI
Grotheer, M., Bloom, D., Kruper, J., Richie-Halford, A., Zika, S., Aguilera González, V. A., Yeatman, J.D., Grill-Spector, K., & Rokem, A. (2023). Human white matter myelinates faster in utero than ex utero. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(33), e2303491120. find paper DOI
Grotheer, M., Rosenke, M., Wu, H. et al. (2022). White matter myelination during early infancy is linked to spatial gradients and myelin content at birth. Nat Commun 13, 997. find paper
Guerrero‐Viu, J., Subias, J. D., Serrano, A., Storrs, K. R., Fleming, R. W., Masia, B., & Gutierrez, D. (2024). Predicting Perceived Gloss: Do Weak Labels Suffice?. Computer Graphics Forum (Vol. 43, No. 2, p. e15037).find paper, DATA
Hansen, H., & Hebart, M. N. (2022). Semantic features of object concepts generated with GPT-3. arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.03753. find paper DOI
Hartmann, F., Maiello, G., Rothkopf, C. A., & Fleming, R. W. (2023). Estimation of Contact Regions Between Hands and Objects During Human Multi-Digit Grasping. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (194), e64877. find paper DOI
Hebart, M. N., Contier, O., Teichmann, L., Rockter, A. H., Zheng, C. Y., Kidder, A., Corriveau, A., Vaziri-Pashkam, M., & Baker, C. I. (2023). THINGS-data, a multimodal collection of large-scale datasets for investigating object representations in human brain and behavior. Elife, 12, e82580. find paper DOI
Helbing, J., Draschkow*, D., & Võ*, M. L.-H. (2022). Auxiliary scene context information provided by anchor objects guides attention and locomotion in natural search behavior. Psychological Science, 33(9), 1463–1476. find paper DOI
Jeschke, M., Drewing, K., & Azañón, E. (2023, July). The Tactile Distance Aftereffect Transfers to Roughness Perception. In 2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) (pp. 8-13). IEEE. find paper DOI
Jeschke, M., Metzger, A. & Drewing, K. (2024). Humans Terminate Their Haptic Explorations According to an Interplay of Task Demands and Motor Effort. International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications(pp. 82-93). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. find paper
Jeschke, M., Zoeller, A.C. & Drewing, K. (2024). Humans flexibly use visual priors to optimize their haptic exploratory behavior.Scientific Reports14, 14906 find paper DOI
Jeschke, M., Zöller, A.C., Drewing, K. (2022). Influence of Prior Visual Information on Exploratory Movement Direction in Texture Perception. In: H. Seifi, et al. Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications. EuroHaptics 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13235. Springer, Cham. find paper DOI
Kaiser, D. (2024). Spectral brain signatures of aesthetic natural perception in the α and β frequency bands. Journal of Neurophysiology, 128(6), 1501-1505. find paper DOI
Kaiser, D., Stecher, R., & Doerschner, K. (2023). EEG decoding reveals neural predictions for naturalistic material behaviors. bioRxiv, 2023-02. find paper DOI
Kaiser, D., Stecher, R., & Doerschner, K. (2024). EEG decoding reveals neural predictions for naturalistic material behaviors. Journal of Neuroscience43, no. 29 (2023): 5406-5413. find paper DOI
Kallmayer, A., Võ, M. L.-H., & Draschkow, D. (in press). Viewpoint-dependence and scene context effects generalize to depth rotated 3D objects. Journal of Vision. find paper DOI
Kanwisher, N., Gupta, P., & Dobs, K. (2023). CNNs Reveal the Computational Implausibility of the Expertise Hypothesis. iScience, 105976. find paper
Kanwisher, N., Khosla, M., & Dobs, K. (2023). Using artificial neural networks to ask ‘why’ questions of minds and brains. Trends in Neurosciences, 46, 72-88. find paper
Katircilar, D., & Drewing, K. (2023, July). The Effects of Movement Direction and Glove on Spatial Frequency Discrimination in Oriented Textures. In 2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) (pp. 313-318). IEEE. find paperDOI
Katircilar, D., Drewing, K. (2024). The Role of Implicit Prior Information in Haptic Perception of Softness. International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications(pp. 159-170) Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland find paper
Kauschke, C. (2023). Language and Emotion in Clinical Populations. Schiewer, G. Altarriba, J. & Ng, B.C. (Hrsg.). Language and Emotion. An International Handbook. Volume 3. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication. Berlin, Boston: Mouton de Gruyter., 2105-2126. find paper
Kauschke, C. (2023). Language and Emotion in Clinical Populations. In Schiewer, G. Altarriba, J. & Ng, B.C. (Hrsg.). Language and Emotion. An International Handbook. Volume 3. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication. Berlin, Boston: Mouton de Gruyter. 2105-2126. find paper
Kavroulakis, E., van Kemenade, B. M., Arikan, B. E., Kircher, T., & Straube, B. (2022). The effect of self-generated versus externally generated actions on timing, duration, and amplitude of blood oxygen level dependent response for visual feedback processing. Human brain mapping, 43, no. 16 (2022): 4954-4969.. find paper
Klein, L. K., Maiello, G., Stubbs, K., Proklova, D., Chen, J., Paulun, V. C., Culham, J. D., & Fleming, R. W. (2023). Distinct neural components of visually guided grasping during planning and execution. Journal of Neuroscience, 43(49), 8504-8514. find paper DOI
Klever, L., Beyvers, M. C., Fiehler, K., Mamassian, P., & Billino, J. (2023). Cross-modal metacognition: Visual and tactile confidence share a common scale. Journal of Vision, 23(5), 3-3. find paper DOI
Klever, L., Beyvers, M. C., Fiehler, K., Mamassian, P., & Billino, J. (2023). Cross-modal metacognition: Visual and tactile confidence share a common scale. Journal of Vision, 23(5):3, 1-16. find paper DOI
Klever, L., Islam, J., Võ, M., & Billino, J. (2023). Aging attenuates the memory advantage for unexpected objects in real-world scenes. Heliyon, 9(9): e20241. find paper DOI
Klever, L., Mamassian, P., & Billino, J. (2022). Age‑related differences in visual confidence are driven by individual differences in cognitive control capacities. Scientific Reports, 12, 6016. find paper DOI
Klever, Võ, Islam, J., Võ, M. L.-H., & Billino, J. (2023). Aging attenuates the memory advantage for unexpected objects in real-world scenes. Heliyon (9). find paper DOI
Klink H, Kaiser D, Stecher R, Ambrus GG*, Kovács G* (2024). Your place or mine? The neural dynamics of personally familiar scene recognition suggests category independent familiarity encoding. Cereb Cortex. *equal contribution find paper DOI
Kollenda, D., & de Haas, B. (2022). The influence of familiarity on memory for faces and mask wearing. Cogn. Research 7, 45. find paper, DATA
Krugliak, A., Draschkow, D., Vo, M. L. H., & Clarke, A. (2023). Semantic object processing is modulated by prior scene context. find paper
Küçük, E., Foxwell, M., Kaiser, D., & Pitcher, D. (2024). Moving and Static Faces, Bodies, Objects, and Scenes Are Differentially Represented across the Three Visual Pathways.. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-13. find paper DOI
Kufer, K., Schmitter, C. V., Kircher, T., & Straube, B. (2024). Temporal recalibration in response to delayed visual feedback of active versus passive actions: an fMRI study.Scientific Reports, 14(1), 4632. find paper
L. Rosenblum, E. Grewe, J. Churan, F. Bremmer (2022). Influence of tactile flow on visual heading perception. Multisensory Research 1, 2022: 1-18. find paper
Lin, L. P. Y., Cavdan, M., Doerschner, K., & Drewing, K. (2023, July). The Influence of Surface Roughness and Surface Size on Perceived Pleasantness. In 2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) (pp. 417-424). IEEE. find paper
Linka, M, Broda, MD, Alsheimer, T, *de Haas, B, *Ramon, M (2022). Characteristic fixation biases in Super-Recognizers. Journal of Vision, 22, 17. find paper DOI
Linka, M, Özlem, S, Karimpur, H, Schwarzer, G, de Haas, B (2023). Free viewing biases for complex scenes in preschoolers and adults. Sci Rep 13, 11803. find paper DOI
Lubinus, C., Einhäuser, W., Schiller, F., Kircher, T., Straube, B.*, & van Kemenade, B. M.* (2022). Action-based predictions affect visual perception, neural processing, and pupil size, regardless of temporal predictability. NeuroImage, 263, 119601. find paper DOI
Malik, A., Doerschner, K., & Boyaci, H. (2023). Unmet expectations about material properties delay perceptual decisions. Vision Research, 208, 108223. find paper
Maurer L. K., Maurer H., Hegele M. & Müller H. (2022). Can Stephen Curry really know? - Conscious access to outcome prediction of motor actions. PLoS One, 17(1), e0250047. find paper DOI
Maurer, L. K., Joch, M., Hegele, M., Maurer, H., & Müller, H. (2022). Relevance of predictive and postdictive error information in the course of motor learning. Neuroscience, 486, 77-90. find paper
McManus, M., Schuetz, I., Voudouris, D., & Fiehler, K. (2023). How visuomotor predictability and task demands affect tactile sensitivity on a moving limb during object interaction.Royal Society Open Science, 10(12): 231259. find paper, DATA
Meibodi, N., Schubö, A., & Endres, D. M. (2024). Distracted by Previous Experience: Integrating Selection History, Current Task Demands and Saliency in an Algorithmic Model.Computational Brain & Behavior, 1-18. find paper
Meibodi, N., Schubö, A., Endres, D. M. (2022). Sensorimotor processes are not a source of much noise: Sensory-motor and decision components of reaction times. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 44. find paper, CODE
Metzger, A., & Toscani, M. (2022). Unsupervised learning of haptic material properties. eLife, 11, e64876. find paper
Metzger, A., Lotz, A., Drewing, K. (2022). Neutral Point in Haptic Perception of Softness. In: H. Seifi, et al. Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications. EuroHaptics 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13235. Springer, Cham. find preprint
Morgenstern, Y., Storrs, K. R., Schmidt, F., Hartmann, F., Tiedemann, H., Wagemans, J., & Fleming, R. W. (2024). High-level aftereffects reveal the role of statistical features in visual shape encoding. Current Biology. find paper , DATA
Morimoto, T., Akbarinia, A., Storrs, K., Cheeseman, J. R., Smithson, H. E., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Fleming, R. W. (2023). Color and gloss constancy under diverse lighting environments. Journal of Vision, 23(7), 8-8. find paper DOI
Morimoto, T., Akbarinia, A., Storrs, K., Cheeseman, J. R., Smithson, H. E., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Fleming, R. W. (2023). Color and gloss constancy under diverse lighting environments. Journal of Vision, 23(7), 8-8. find paper DOI
Nara, S., & Kaiser, D. (2024). Integrative processing in artificial and biological vision predicts the perceived beauty of natural images. Science Advances, 10(9), eadi9294. find paper DOI
Ody, E., Kircher, T., Straube, B., & He, Y. (2023). Pre-movement event-related potentials and multivariate pattern of EEG encode action outcome prediction. find paper DOI
Pitcher, D., Sliwinska, M. W., & Kaiser, D. (2023). TMS disruption of the lateral prefrontal cortex increases neural activity in the default mode network when naming facial expressions. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 18(1), nsad072. find paper
Prokott, E., & Fleming, R. W. (2022). Identifying specular highlights: Insights from deep learning. Journal of Vision, 22(7), 6-6. find paper
Rosenblum, L., Kreß, A., Arikan, B., Straube, B. & Bremmer, F. (2023). Neural correlates of visual and tactile path integration and their task related modulation. Scientific Reports 13, 9913. find paper
Rosenblum, L., Kreß, A., Schwenk, J. C. B., & Bremmer, F. J (2022). Visuo-tactile heading perception. Journal of Neurophysiology, 128: 1355-1364. find paper
S. Dowiasch, M. Blanke, J. Knöll & F. Bremmer (2023). Spatial localization during open-loop smooth pursuit. Front. Neurosci., 17:1058340. find paper
Schmid AC, Barla P, & Doerschner, K (2023). Material category of visual objects computed from specular image structure. Nature Human Behaviour, 7(7), 1152-1169. find paper
Schmidt, F. (2022). The Perception of “Intelligent” Design in Visual Structure. i-Perception, 13(1), 20416695221080184. find paper DOI
Schmidt, F., Tiedemann, H., Fleming, R. W., & Morgenstern, Y. (2023). Inferring shape transformations in a drawing task. Memory & Cognition. find paper DOI
Schmitt, C., Krala, M., & Bremmer, F. (2022). Neural signatures of actively controlled self-motion and the subjective encoding of distance. eNeuro, 9(6). eneuro.0137-21. find paper
Schmitter, C. V., Kufer, K., Steinsträter, O., Sommer, J., Kircher, T., & Straube, B. (2023). Neural correlates of temporal recalibration to delayed auditory feedback of active and passive movements.Human Brain Mapping, 44(17), 6227-6244. find paper
Schmitter, C.V. & Straube, B. (2022). The impact of cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on sensorimotor and inter-sensory temporal recalibration. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16, 998843. find paper DOI
Schuetz, I., & Fiehler, K. (2022). Eye tracking in virtual reality: Vive pro eye spatial accuracy, precision, and calibration reliability. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 15(3). find paper DOI
Schuetz, I., & Fiehler, K. (2022). Vive pro eye spatial accuracy, precision, and calibration reliability. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 15(3). find paper
Schuetz, I., Karimpur, H., & Fiehler, K. (2023). vexptoolbox: A software toolbox for human behavior studies using the Vizard virtual reality platform. Behavior Research Methods, 55(2), 570-582. find paper DOI
Schuetz, I., McManus, M., Fiehler, K., & Voudouris, D. (2022). Investigating movement-related tactile suppression using commercial VR controllers. Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 13235: 225-233. find paper,
Schwarzer, G., Gehb, G., Kelch, A., Gerhard-Samunda, T. & Jovanovic, B. (2022). Locomotion training contributes to 6-month-old infants' mental rotation ability. Human Movement Science, 85, 102979. find paper
Stegmann, U. E., & Schmidt, F. (2023). Homology judgements of pre-evolutionary naturalists explained by general human shape matching abilities. Scientific Reports, 13, 12269. find paper, DATA
Stewart, E. E. M., & Fleming R. W. (2023). The eyes anticipate where an object will move based on its shape. Current Biology, 33(17), R894-R895. find paper DOI
Stewart, E. E., Fleming, R. W., & Schütz, A. C. (2023). A simple optical flow model explains why certain object viewpoints are special.bioRxiv, 2023-10. find paper preprint
Stewart, E. E., Hartmann, F. T., Morgenstern, Y., Storrs, K. R., Maiello, G., & Fleming, R. W. (2023). Mental object rotation based on two-dimensional visual representations. Current Biology, 32(21), R1224-R1225. find paper DOI
Stoll, S, Infanti, E, de Haas, B, Schwarkopf, DS (2022). Pitfalls in post hoc analyses of population receptive field data. Neuroimage, 263, 119557. find paper DOI
Student, J., Engel, D., Timmermann, L., Bremmer, F., & Waldthaler, J. (2022). Visual perturbation suggests increased effort to maintain balance in early stages of Parkinson’s to be an effect of age rather than disease. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 16:762380. find paper
Tamura, H., Prokott, K. E., & Fleming, R. W. (2022). Distinguishing mirror from glass: A “big data” approach to material perception. Journal of vision, 22(4), 4-4. find paper DOI
Tiedemann, H., Morgenstern, Y., Schmidt, F., & Fleming, R. W. (2022). One-shot generalization in humans revealed through a drawing task. eLife 2022; 11:e75485. find paper DOI
Tiedemann, H., Schmidt, F., & Fleming, R. W. (2022). Superordinate categorization based on the perceptual organization of parts. Brain Sciences, 12(5), 667. find paper DOI
Toscani, M., Metzger. A. (2022). A Database of Vibratory Signals from Free Haptic Exploration of Natural Material Textures and Perceptual Judgments (ViPer): Analysis of Spectral Statistics. In: H. Seifi, et al. Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications. EuroHaptics 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13235. Springer, Cham. find preprint
Turini, J., & Võ, M. L.-H. (2022). Hierarchical organization of objects in scenes is reflected in mental representations of objects. Sci Rep, 12, 20068. find paper DOI
Voudouris, D., & Fiehler, K. (2022). The role of grasping demands on tactile suppression. Human Movement Science, 83, 102957. find paper, DATA
Voudouris, D., Schuetz, I., Schinke, T., & Fiehler, K. (2023). Pupil dilation scales with movement distance of real but not of imagined reaching movements. Journal of Neurophysiology. find paper DOI
Wagner, I., & Schütz, A. C. (2023). Interaction of dynamic error signals in saccade adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 129(3), 717-732. find paper DOI
Wagner, I., Henare, D., Tünnermann, J., Schubö, A., & Schütz, A. C. (2023). Humans trade off search costs and accuracy in a combined visual search and perceptual task. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85(1), 23-40. find paper DOI
Walper, D., Bendixen, A., Grimm, S., Schubö, A., & Einhäuser, W. (2024). Attention deployment in natural scenes: Higher-order scene statistics rather than semantics modulate the N2pc component. Journal of Vision, 24(6), 7-7 find paper
Wang, G., Foxwell, M. J., Cichy, R. M., Pitcher, D., & Kaiser, D. (2024). Individual differences in internal models explain idiosyncrasies in scene perception. Cognition, 245, 105723. find paper DOI
Zhang, Y., Valsecchi, M., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Chen, J. (2023). Laplacian reference is optimal for steady-state visual-evoked potentials. Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(3), 557-568. find paper
Zhang, Y., Valsecchi, M., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Chen, J. (2023). The time course of chromatic adaptation in human early visual cortex revealed by SSVEPs. Journal of Vision23, no. 5 (2023): 17-17. find paper
Zhang, Y., Valsecchi, M., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Chen, J. (2024). The execution of saccadic eye movements suppresses visual processing of both color and luminance in the early visual cortex of humans. Journal of Neurophysiology, 131(6), 1156-1167. find paper
Zhang, Yuan, Matteo Valsecchi, Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Chen, J. (2024). The execution of saccadic eye movements suppresses visual processing of both color and luminance in the early visual cortex of humans. Journal of Neurophysiology, 131(6),1156-1167. find paper
Ziegler, M. & Drewing, K. (2022). Get in touch with numbers–an approximate number comparison task in the haptic modality. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 1-17. find paperDOI
Ziegler, M. C., Stricker, L. K., & Drewing, K. (2023). The role of spatial information in an approximate cross-modal number matching task. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 1-14. find paper DOI
former project-related publications
Fleming RW & Schmidt F (2019). Getting ‘‘fumpered’’: Classifying objects by what has been done to them. Journal of Vision, 19(4):15 find paper DOI
Kunsberg B, Holtmann-Rice D, Alexander E, Cholewiak S, Fleming RW, Zucker SW. (2018). Colour, contours, shading and shape: flow interactions reveal anchor neighbourhoods. Interface Focus 8: 20180019. find paper
Maiello G, Paulun VC, Klein LK, & Fleming RW. (2018). The Sequential-Weight Illusion. i-Perception, 9(4), 1–6. find paper DOI
Maiello, G., Paulun, V. C., Klein, L. K., & Fleming, R. W. (2019). Object visibility, not energy expenditure, accounts for spatial biases in human grasp selection. i-Perception. find paper DOI
Schmidt F & Fleming RW (2018). Identifying shape transformations from photographs of real objects. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0202115. find paper DOI
Schmidt F, Phillips F, & Fleming RW (2019). Visual perception of shape-transforming processes: ‘Shape Scission’. Cognition, 189, 167-180. find paper DOI
Schmidt, F., Hegele, M., & Fleming, R. W. (2017). Perceiving animacy from shape. Journal of Vision, 17(11), 10-10. find paper
Vangorp P, Barla, P & Fleming RW (2017). The perception of hazy gloss. Journal of Vision 17(5):19. doi: 10.1167/17.5.19 find paper
't Hart B.M., Einhäuser W. (2012). Mind the step: complementary roles for eye-in-head and head-in-world orientation when negotiating a real-life path. Exp Brain Res, 223(2), 233-249. find paper
't Hart, B.M., Vockeroth, J., Schumann, F., Bartl, K., Schneider, E. & König P, Einhäuser W. (2009). Gaze allocation in natural stimuli: comparing free exploration to head-fixed viewing conditions. Visual Cognition, 17, 1132-1158.
*Moutsiana, C., *de Haas, B., Papageorgiou, A., Van Dijk, J. A., Balraj, A., Greenwood, J. A., & Schwarzkopf, D. S. (2016). Cortical idiosyncrasies predict the perception of object size. Nature communications, 7(1), 1-12. *shared first autorship. find paper
Acosta, H., Straube, B., & Kircher, T. (2019). Schizotypy and mentalizing: An fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 124, 299-310. find paper
Akbarinia, A., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2018). Color metamerism and the structure of illuminant space. JOSA A, 35(4), B231-B238. find paper
Akbarinia, A., & Gil-Rodríguez, R. (2020). Deciphering image contrast in object classification deep networks. Vision Research, 173, 61-76. find paper
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Andreou, C., Frielinghaus, H., Rauh, J., Mußmann, M., S. Vauth, S., Braun, P., Leicht, G. and Mulert, C. (2017). Theta and high-beta networks for feedback processing: a simultaneous EEG & fMRI study in healthy male subjects. Translational Psychiatry, 7(1), e1016. find paper
Andreou, C., Steinmann, S., Kolbeck, K., Rauh, J., Leicht, G., Moritz, S., Mulert, C. (2018). The role of effective connectivity between the task-positive and task-negative network for evidence gathering [Evidence gathering and connectivity]. Neuroimage, 173, 49-56. find paper
Arendt, T. (2019). NOWA - NeurOscientific Workflow Assistance: Aktives Forschungsdatenmanagement im Sonderforschungsbereich SFB/TRR 135. Poster presented at „Aktionstag Digital gestützte Wissenschaft mit Verantwortung" of the Philipps-University Marburg, Germany. find poster
Arendt, T. (2020). NOWA – NeurOscientific Workflow Assistance: Active Research Data Management within the Collaborative Research Center CRC/TRR 135. Poster presented at HeFDI Plenary 2020, online. find poster
Arendt, T. & Schütz, A. C. (2020). Adapting Established Software Engineering Techniques and Technologies into an Assistance System for Neuroscientists, in Heuveline, Vincent, Gebhart, 38 Fabian und Mohammadianbisheh, Nina (Hrsg.): E-Science-Tage 2019: Data to Knowledge, Heidelberg: heiBOOKS. find paper
Arendt, T., & Schütz, A. (2019). Infrastruktur-Dienste für das aktive und passive Forschungsdatenmanagement eines neurowissenschaftlichen Sonderforschungsbereichs. Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement, (2), 50-53. find paper
Arendt, T., Brand, O., Krippes, C., Gabriel, A., Helf, C., Gegenfurtner, K.R., Schütz, A.C. (2020). NeurOscientific Workflow Assistance (NOWA). Poster presented at Jahrestagung RDA Deutschland, Potsdam, Germany. find poster
Arendt, T., Brand, O., Krippes, C., Gabriel, A., Valsecchi, M., Helf, C., Gegenfurtner, K. R., Schütz, A. C. (Januar, 2019). NeurOscientific Workflow Assistance. Poster präsentiert an der DINI Jahrestagung 2018, Bielefeld, Deutschland. find poster
Arendt, T., Koutsou, A.,Mittal, D.,Sehara, K., Schuppner, R.B., Larkum, M.,Wachtler T., Colomb, J. (). (2021). Konzepte und Dienste für die Homogenisierung und das Management von Dateistrukturen in neurowissenschaftlichen Verbundprojekten. Poster presented at E-Science-Tage 2021: Share Your Research Data, Heidelberg, Germany. find poster
Arikan , B.E., van Kemenade , B.M., Straube, B., Harris, L.H., & Kircher , T. (2017). Voluntary and Involuntary Movements Widen the Window of Subjective Simultaneity. i-Perception, 8(4), 2041669517719297. find paper DOI
Arikan, B. E., van Kemenade, B. M., Fiehler, K., Kircher, T., Drewing, K., & Straube, B. (2021). Different contributions of efferent and reafferent feedback to sensorimotor temporal recalibration. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-15. find paper
Arikan, B. E., van Kemenade, B. M., Podranski, K., Steinsträter, O., Straube, B., & Kircher, T. (2019). Perceiving your hand moving: BOLD suppression in sensory cortices and the role of the cerebellum in the detection of feedback delays. Journal of Vision, 19(14), 4-4. find paper
Arikan, B. E., Voudouris, D., Voudouri-Gertz, H., Sommer, J., & Fiehler, K. (2021). Reach-relevant somatosensory signals modulate activity in the tactile suppression network. NeuroImage, 236, 118000. find paper DOI
Backasch, B., Sommer, J., Klöhn-Saghatolislam, F., Müller, M.J., Kircher, T.T., & Leube, D.T. (2014). Dysconnectivity of the inferior frontal gyrus: Implications for an impaired self-other distinction in patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 223:202-209. find paper
Bahn , D., Vesker , M., García Alanis , J.C. , Schwarzer , G., & Kauschke , C. (2017). Age-dependent positivity bias in children’s perception of emotion terms. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:1268. DOI find paper
Bahn, D., Kauschke, C., Vesker, M., & Schwarzer, G. (2018). Perception of valence and arousal in German emotion terms: a comparison between 9-year-old children and adults. Applied Psycholinguistics, 39(3), 463-481. find paper DOI
Bahn, D., Kauschke, C., Vesker, M., & Schwarzer, G. (2021). A Multimodal Comparison of Emotion Categorization Abilities in Children With Developmental Language Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64(3), 993-1007. find paper DOI
Beitner, J., Helbing, J., Draschkow, D., & Võ, M. L.-H. (2021). Get your guidance going: Investigating the activation of spatial priors for efficient search in virtual reality. Brain Sciences, 11, 44, 1-17. find paper, DATA
Bergmann, N., Koch, D., & Schubö, A. (2019). Reward expectation facilitates context learning and attentional guidance in visual search. Journal of vision, 19(3), 10-10. find paper DOI
Bergmann, N., Tünnermann, J. & Schubö, A. (2020). Which search are you on? Adapting to color while searching for shape. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 457-477. find paper DOI
Billino, J. & Pilz, K.S. (2019). Motion perception as a model for perceptual aging. Journal of Vision, 19(4):3, 1-28. find paper
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Billino, J., Hennig, J., & Gegenfurtner, K. (2016a). Association between COMT genotype and the control of memory guided saccades: Individual differences in healthy adults reveal a detrimental role of dopamine. Vision Research. DOI find paper
Billino, J., Hennig, J., & Gegenfurtner, K. (2016b). The role of dopamine in anticipatory pursuit eye movements: Insights from genetic polymorphisms in healthy adults. eNeuro, 3(6). DOI find paper
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Bischoff, M., Zentgraf, K., Lorey, B., Pilgramm. S., Balser, N., Baumgartner, E., Hohmann, T., Stark, R., Vaitl, D. & Munzert, J. (2012). Motor familiarity: Brain activation when watching kinematic displays of one’s own movements. Neuropsychologia, 50, 2085–2092.
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Bloj, M., Weiß, D., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2016). Bias effects of short-and long-term color memory for unique objects. JOSA A, 33(4), 492-500. find paper
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Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, I., Schlesewsky, M., Small, S. L., & Rauschecker, J. P. (2015). Neurobiological roots of language in primate audition: common computational properties. Trends in cognitive sciences, 19(3), 142-150.
Boyaci, H., Fang, F., Murray, S.O., Kersten, D. (2010). Perceptual grouping-dependent lightness processing in human early visual cortex. Journal of Vision, 10(9), 4, 1-12. find paper
Braun D.I. & Schütz A.C. (2021). Eye Movement and Perception. In Oxford research Encyclopedia of Psychology, Subfield Neuropsychology. in press.
Braun, D. I. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2016). Dynamics of oculomotor direction discrimination. Journal of Vision, 16(13):4. find paper DOI
Braun, D. I., Schütz, A. C., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2021). Age effects on saccadic suppression of luminance and color. Journal of Vision, 21(6), 11-11. find paper DOI
Braun, D.I., Schütz & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2017). Visual sensitivity for luminance and chromatic stimuli during the execution of smooth pursuit and saccadic eye movements. Vision Research, 136,57-69. find paper DOI
Bremmer, F., Churan, J., & Lappe, M. (2017). Heading representations in primates are compressed by saccades. Nature Communications, 8(1), 920. find paper DOI
Bremmer, F., Kaminiarz, A., Klingenhoefer, S., & Churan, J. (2016). Decoding Target Distance and Saccade Amplitude from Population Activity in the Macaque Lateral Intraparietal Area (LIP). Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 10:30. find paper
Broda, M.D., Fiehler, K., & Voudouris, D. (2020). The influence of afferent input on somatosensory suppression during grasping. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-11. find paper, DATA
Cavdan, M., Doerschner, K. & Drewing, K. (2021). Task and material properties interactively affect softness explorations along different dimensions. IEEE Transactions on Haptics. find paper
Cavdan, M., Drewing, K., & Doerschner, K. (2021). The look and feel of soft are similar across different softness dimensions. Journal of vision, 21(10), 20-20. find paper
Cavdan, M., Ennis, R., Drewing, K. & Doerschner, K. (2021). Constraining haptic exploration with sensors and gloves hardly changes the multidimensional structure of softness perception. In 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) (pp. 31-36), IEEE. find paper
Cavdan, M., Freund, A., Trieschmann, A. K., Doerschner, K. & Drewing, K. (2020). From Hate to Love: How Learning Can Change Affective Responses to Touched Materials. In: Nisky I., Hartcher-O’Brien J., Wiertlewski M., Smeets J. (eds) "Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications". EuroHaptics 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12272. Springer, Cham. find paper
Cellini, C., Scocchia, L., & Drewing, K. (2016). The buzz-lag effect. Experimental brain research, 10, 2849-2857. find paper
Chen, J ., Valsecchi , M. & Gegenfurtner , K.R. (2017b). Attention is allocated closely ahead of the target during smooth pursuit eye movements: evidence from EEG frequency tagging. Neuropsychologia . find paper DOI
Chen, J., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2021). Electrophysiological evidence for higher-level chromatic mechanisms in humans. Journal of Vision, 21(8), 12-12. find paper DOI
Chen, J., Valsecchi, M. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2016a). Role of motor execution in the ocular tracking of self-generated movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 16(6):2586-2593. find paper DOI
Chen, J., Valsecchi, M. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2017a). Enhanced brain responses to color during smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of neurophysiology, 118(2), 749-754. find paper DOI
Chen, J., Valsecchi, M., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2016b). LRP predicts smooth pursuit eye movement onset during the ocular tracking of self-generated movements. Journal of neurophysiology, 116(1):18-29. find paper DOI
Chen, J., Valsecchi, M., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2019). Saccadic suppression measured by steady-state visual evoked potentials. Journal of Neurophysiology, 122(1), 251–258. find paper DOI
Chiovetto, E., Curio, C., Endres, D., & Giese, M. (2018). Perceptual integration of kinematic components in the recognition of emotional facial expressions. Journal of vision, 18(4), 13-13. find paper
Choudhury, M., Steines, M., Nagels, A., Riedl, L., Kircher, T., & Straube, B. (2021). Neural Basis of Speech-Gesture Mismatch Detection in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders. Schizophrenia Bulletin. find paper
Churan, J., Braun, D. I., Gegenfurtner, K. R., & Bremmer, F. (2018). Comparison of the precision of smooth pursuit in humans and head unrestrained monkeys. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 11(4). find paper DOI
Churan, J., Kaminiarz, A., Schwenk, J. C. B., & Bremmer, F. (2021a). Action-dependent processing of self-motion in parietal cortex of macaque monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology. find paper DOI
Churan, J., Paul, J., Klingenhoefer, S., & Bremmer, F. (2017). Integration of visual and tactile information in reproduction of traveled distance. J Neurophysiology, 118(3), 1650-1663. find paper DOI
Churan, J., von Hopffgarten, A., & Bremmer, F. (2018). Eye movements during path integration. Physiological reports, 6(22), e13921. find paper DOI
Clever, D., Harant, M., Koch, K. H., Mombaur, K. and Endres, D. (2016). A novel approach for the generation of complex humanoid walking sequences based on a combination of optimal control and learning of movement primitives. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 83, 287–298. find paper
Clever, D., Harant, M., Mombaur, K., Naveau, M., Stasse, O. and Endres, D. (2017). COCoMoPL: A Novel Approach for Humanoid Walking Generation Combining Optimal Control, Movement Primitives and Learning and its transfer to the real robot HRP-2. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ,2(2):977 – 984. find paper
Cornelissen, T. H. W., & Võ, M. L.-H. (2016). Stuck on semantics: Processing of irrelevant object-scene inconsistencies modulates ongoing gaze behavior. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 79(1), 154-168. find paper
Cuevas, P., He, Y., Billino, J., Kozasa E. & Straube, B. (2021). Age-related effects on the neural processing of semantic complexity in a continuous narrative: Modulation by gestures already present in young to middle-aged adults. Neuropsychologia, 151:107725. find paper DOI
Cuevas, P., Steines, M., He, Y., Nagels, A., Culham, J., & Straube, B. (2019). The facilitative effect of gestures on the neural processing of semantic complexity in a continuous narrative. NeuroImage, 195, 38-47. find paper
Curic, S., Leicht, G., Thiebes S., Andreou C., Polomac, N., Eichler, I.C., Eichler, L., Zöllner, C., Gallinat, J., Steinmann, S., Mulert, C. (2019). Reduced auditory evoked gamma-band response and schizophrenia-like clinical symptoms under subanesthetic ketamine. Neuropsychopharmacology, 44(7), 1239-1246. find paper
D. Engel, J. Student, J. 2021_C. B. Schwenk, A. Morris, J. Waldthaler, L. Timmermann, F. Bremmer (2021). Visual perturbation of balance suggests impaired motor control but intact visuomotor processing in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neurophysiology 126(4), 1076-1089. find paper
Dal Mas, D. & Wittmann, B.C. (2017). Avoiding boredom: Caudate and insula activity reflects boredom-elicited purchase bias. Cortex, 92, 57-69. find paper
David, E., Beitner, J., & Võ, M. L.-H. (2020). Effects of Transient Loss of Vision on Head and Eye Movements during Visual Search in a Virtual Environment. Brain Sciences, 10(11), 841. find paper
David, E., Beitner, J., Võ, M. L.-H. (2021). The importance of peripheral vision when searching 3D real-world scenes: A gaze-contingent study in virtual reality. Journal of Vision, 21(7), 3-3. find paper, DATA
de Haas, B., & Schwarzkopf, D. S. (2018). Feature-location effects in the Thatcher illusion. Journal of vision, 18(4), 16-16. find paper
de Haas, B., Iakovidis, A. L., Schwarzkopf, D. S., & Gegenfurtner, K. R. (2019). Individual differences in visual salience vary along semantic dimensions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(24), 11687-11692. find paper, DATA
de Haas, B., Schwarzkopf, D. S., Alvarez, I., Lawson, R. P., Henriksson, L., Kriegeskorte, N., & Rees, G. (2016). Perception and processing of faces in the human brain is tuned to typical feature locations. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(36), 9289-9302. find paper
de Haas, B., Sereno, M. I., & Schwarzkopf, D. S. (2021). Inferior occipital gyrus is organised along common gradients of spatial and face-part selectivity. The Journal of Neuroscience, 41(25), 5511-5521. find paper
Degé, F., Kubicek, C., & Schwarzer, G. (2015). Associations between musical abilities and precursors of reading in preschool aged children. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(August), 1–10. find paper
Dillmann, J., Freitag, C., Holve, K., Schweinfurth, S., Lorenz, B., Schwarzer, G. (2017). Die motorische Entwicklung von Kindern mit frühkindlichem Innenschielen. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 234(10), 1228-1234. find paper
Dillmann, J., Gehb, G., Peterlein, C. D., & Schwarzer, G (2019). Joint visual attention and locomotor experience: A longitudinal study of infants with treated idiopathic clubfoot. Infant and Child Development, 28(2), e2118. find paper DOI
Dillmann, J., Peterlein, CD. & Schwarzer, G. (2018). A longitudinal study of motor and cognitive development in infants with congenital idiopathic clubfoot. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 6(S1), 24-43. find paper DOI
Dillmann, J., Schwarzer, G., & Peterlein, C.D. (2019). Motor and cognitive functioning in children treated for idiopathic clubfoot at the age of 3 years. BMC Pediatrics, 19(1), 1-6. find paper
Dobs, K., Bülthoff, I., & Schultz, J. (2016). Identity information content depends on the type of facial movement. Scientific Reports, 6(34301), 1-9. find paper
Dobs, K., Bülthoff, I., & Schultz, J. (2018). Use and usefulness of dynamic face stimuli for face perception studies—A review of behavioral findings and methodology. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1355. find paper
Dobs, K., Bülthoff, I., Breidt, M., Vuong, Q., Curio, C., & Schultz, J. (2014). Quantifying human sensitivity to spatio-temporal information in dynamic faces. Vision Research, 100, 78-87. find paper
Dobs, K., Isik, L., Pantazis, D., & Kanwisher, N. (2019a). How face perception unfolds over time. Nature Communications, 10, 1258. find paper
Dobs, K., Kell, A., Palmer, I., Cohen, M., & Kanwisher, N. (2019). Why Are Face and Object Processing Segregated in the Human Brain? Testing Computational Hypotheses with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN), Berlin, Germany. find paper
Dobs, K., Ma, W. J., & Reddy, L. (2017). Near-optimal integration of facial form and motion. Scientific Reports, 7(1):11002, 1-9. find paper
Dobs, K., Schultz, J., Bülthoff, I., & Gardner, J.L. (2018). Task-dependent enhancement of facial expression and identity representations in human cortex. NeuroImage, 172, 689-702. find paper
Doerschner, K., Fleming, R. W., Yilmaz, O., Schrater, P. R., Hartung, B., & Kersten, D. (2011). Visual motion and the perception of surface material. Current Biology, 21(23), 2010-2016. find paper
Dötsch, D., Vesper, C., & A. Schubö (2017). How you move is what I see: Planning an action biases a partner’s visual search. Frontiers in psychology, 8:77. find paper
Dowiasch, S., Backasch, B., Einhauser, W., Leube, D., Kircher, T., & Bremmer, F. (2016). Eye movements of patients with schizophrenia in a natural environment. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 266, 43-54. find paper
Dowiasch, S., Blohm, G., & Bremmer, F. (2016). Neural correlate of spatial (mis-) localization during smooth eye movements. European Journal of Neuroscience, 44(2), 1846-1855. find paper DOI
Dowiasch, S., Marx, S., Einhäuser, W., & Bremmer, F. (2015). Effects of aging on eye movements in the real world. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 46. find paper DOI
Dowiasch, S., Meyer-Stender, S., Klingenhoefer, S., & Bremmer, F. (2020). Nonretinocentric localization of successively presented flashes during smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Vision, 20(4), 8-8. find paper DOI
Dowiasch, S., Wolf, P., & Bremmer, F. (2019). Quantitative comparison of a mobile and a stationary video-based eye-tracker. Behavior research methods, 1-14. find paper DOI
Draschkow, D., & Võ, M. L.-H. (2016). Of “what” and “where” in a natural search task: Active object handling supports object location memory beyond the object’s identity. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics . 78, 1574-1584. find paper
Draschkow, D., Wolfe, J.M., & Võ, M. L.-H. (2014). Seek and you shall remember: Scene semantics interact with visual search to build better memories. Journal of Vision, 14(8):10, 1–18. find paper
Drewes, J., Feder, S., & Einhäuser, W. (2021). Gaze During Locomotion in Virtual Reality and the Real World. Frontiers in Neuroscience,15, 656913. find paper, Data Contact
Drewing , K. (2018). The extent of skin bending rather than action possibilities explains why holes feel larger with the tongue than with the finger. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44(4), 535. find paper
Drewing, K. (2016). Low-Amplitude Textures Explored with the Bare Finger: Roughness Judgments Follow an Inverted U-Shaped Function of Texture Period Modified by Texture Type. Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications (pp. 206-217). Springer: Heidelberg. find paper DOI
Drewing, K. (2018, June). Judged Roughness as a Function of Groove Frequency and Groove Width in 3D-Printed Gratings. In International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications (pp. 258-269). Springer, Cham. find paper DOI
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